Great Day AMPPED Family. I pray this finds you well.

We are all called to the great commission. The Lord requires us to share the GREAT NEWS of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Once you start a relationship with God that zeal to tell others is there but things like our failures, mess-ups, and bad situations can keep us from feeling like we have no place to speak for God and his mercies towards us. In this time, fear tries to creep in to keep us down from doing it but through God’s Word, we can be empowered to keep moving forward. Check out these 5 tips.

5 Tips to Overcome Fear While Evangelizing

  1. No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper
  2. God is in Charge of it ALL
  3. Pray Without Ceasing
  4. Grounded in God’s Word
  5. We are NoT Alone

You are NEVER ALONE. God reminds us through out His Word as He was with the saints of old so shall He be with us. He will Never Leave us or Forsake Us. So if Fear rears its ugly head let it know. I’m a child of God and I do not have to be afraid of you.

Know that I love you. God Loves you even more and Until Next Time Be Inspired. Be Edified and Be Encouraged. Put God First in All that you Do. Love Unconditionally. Do what you Love. And ALWAYS LIVE AN AMPPED LIFE!!

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